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The OK Google service is a convenient method for quickly searching for data on the phone. In this service, the user can search for anything on the phone by speaking into the mobile's mic. Due to specific reasons, Google assistant might stop working on your phone. Several reasons for Google Assistant to stop working are as below:

  • Your phone might need to be compatible with the Google assistant feature.
  • Maybe you are in a poor internet connectivity area.
  • Your Hey Google option on your phone is enabled.
  • The microphone of your phone may need to be fixed.
  • For work, Google Assistant requires specific permission on your phone. Maybe you have not permitted them.
  • Your mobile phone has its voice system enabled, which might hinder Google assistants' work.
  • Google assistant notifications might be disabled, causing hindrances in working.

How do I get my OK Google to work on my phone?

You can make your Google assistant work with the help of the following tips and tricks on my phone:

  • Fix your phone's compatibility: Please check if your phone is compatible with OK Google. If your phone is not compatible with OK Google, that will hinder its working.
  • Fix internet connectivity: Once you fix your poor internet connectivity, your OK Google might start working.
  • Enable the OK Google option: You must enable the OK Google option to ensure the working of OK Google on your phone.
  • Fix your microphone: Ensure your microphone is working correctly so that OK Google listens to your instructions effectively.
  • Enable the OK Google option: To work accurately, the OK Google option must be active on your phone.
  • Grant permissions on your phone: You must agree to give special permission for OK Google to work correctly.
  • Disable phone voice system: If your phone has its voice system, disable it, so it does not interfere with OK Google and works appropriately.
  • Please turn on the notifications: It might not be delightful for you to get constant notifications from OK Google but enabling them helps OK Google to work correctly.

How do I activate OK Google?

To enable OK Google to take the following steps:

  • Open the Google app on your android phone or tablet.
  • Tap on Profile picture or Initial on the top right.
  • Click on Settings and then on Voice.
  • Tap Voice match under OK Google.
  • Turn on OK Google.

Can I uninstall and reinstall Google Assistant?

It is not possible, and recommended to uninstall Google assistant. To uninstall it, you must uninstall the Google app first, which is impossible. You can update Google Assistant if you feel the need to update it, or the most you can disable it but cannot uninstall it.


To conclude, your Google Assistant might face a glitch for specific reasons that cause problems. But you have particular methods that can enable it to work again correctly. You cannot uninstall it but can disable it, which might interfere with your phone's working. If using these ways also does not help you with OK Google not working on your phone, then you can contact Google customer service.

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